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작성자 Vises 작성일22-07-04 23:28 조회444. 댓글0.

Dear SUH HUNG Company.


Good day to you. I’m Vises from We Auto Parts Cambodia. I’m interest your product like aircon filter, air filter, oil filter and especially fuel filter component.  

How can I porches products from your company ? How much your requirement minimum order?


Thanks and best regards.

# 08, St 60k, Ta Ngoun Village, Porsenchey, Phnom Penh.

Mr. Tea Vises

Tel: +855 12 67 29 19

       +855 10 85 10 30

Email: kimhok@weap.biz

We Auto parts Cambodia



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본사. [54354] 전북 김제시 황산면 남산로 309
대표전화. 063)546-3485   Fax. 063)546-4149
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